Make a Gingerbread House



You may not realize how stressed you’ve been until you are transformed by the magical world of Gingerbread Amy.

About Gingerbread Amy

Amy Knapp builds one-of-a-kind gingerbread houses in her workshop in the New Hampshire woods. Gingerbread has been her passion for over 20 years.

Amy shares the joy of it all through workshops, her recently published book, and with a vibrant group of followers on her Instagram page.  She is the author of The Tao of Gingerbread House Design + Construction.

“I don’t make the prettiest houses…just have the most fun (and will teach you how, too!)” 

-Gingerbread Amy

Here’s what fans say after attending a Gingerbread House workshop:

2020 needed Gingerbread Amy!

I want to do it every year!

These memories will last a lifetime.
We sang all the way home. 

What happens in a Gingerbread Amy workshop?

My workshop in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire is small so only one or two people at a time (over 14 years old) attend these workshops.  For about an hour I show them all the tricks as we create a cottage together and they take their creation home.

Can’t come to Wolfeboro?

Bring the New Hampshire woods to you!

Being booked at some of the finest hotels and conferences is a real treat and just as exciting as being booked in a home kitchen for friends and family.  Thank you one and all!

How Can I Bring Gingerbread Amy’s Magic into My Life?

gingerbread amy

Who Knew? She’s Master of the Glue Gun.

Surebonder, a manufacturer of high-quality adhesives, fasteners, glue guns and related accessories, recognized THE Gingerbread Amy aka Amy Knapp as its “Maker of the Month” for July 2022.

“I have an ongoing joke with the company that they could make millions with a Gingerbread Amy Hot Glue Gun,” says Knapp. “Why? Because everyone knows you’re not supposed to use hot glue on gingerbread houses, and it’s funny that I do it so publicly. Like many, I believed for years that using hot glue was a sin, but gingerbread houses are decorations. It just makes sense to use hot glue, if only to keep the gingerbread families safe from disaster.”

While it’s true that royal icing is regarded as the preferred adhesive—and necessary when entering contests—Knapp’s focus isn’t on competition. “I don’t make the prettiest houses,” she says. “I just have the most fun and share the secrets.”

Get in touch with Gingerbread Amy by writing:  [email protected] and place GINGERBREAD in the subject line.